Above is our port of CPython2.7 running a basic hello world on OSv. This is a work in progress, we plan to strip down Python and remove things that are not portable to OSv (like the multiprocessing module), and then optimize for OSv using the low level kernel API. We have another simpler hello world, here, that directly uses the Python CAPI.
Pythia is our custom transpiler and frontend to OSv. It allows you to mix normal Python scripts and statically typed Python code that is transpiled to C++11. Your python script is embedded into the C++ module, and not loaded from the VM file system. This further reduces the attack surface, and helps improve security. We are working to improve Pythia with even greater security, so that it can inject generated encryption keys into each image build, and provide you tools to verify that your cloud instances are only running the code you have deployed into your Zero-Trust network.
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